Ok, before you dive in, I have to tell you something.
For Aflac’s College Football 2021 campaign, their biggest annual project, we had two shooting days to capture 3 :30s for TV, 4 :15s for online video, plus a wishlist of shots for social with whatever time was left.
Two shooting days with a little overage was about 22 hours of shooting time. And our main actors weren’t actors, they were football coaches. If I’m being generous, social got 3 hours of shooting time.
We turned those 3 hours into over 100 pieces of content. That’s not hyperbole, we counted. Here are some highlights:
We welcomed Deion “Coach Prime” Sanders to the Aflac team this year. So we had to make an appropriately big deal about that.
We had our two GOATs impart some wisdom on fans throughout the season.
We casted a band made up of current and former HBCU marching band members for this shoot. It was the most fun I’ve had in casting ever. We also had the rights the Coach Prime’s 1994 hit song, “Must Be The Money" and boy howdy did we use it.
We had a lot of content to make and not a ton to work with, so we started experimenting with different genres.
We have the late-night, “call to talk to singles in your area” approach:
The “trailer for the latest Marvel movie” approach:
And, of course, the “what did I just watch” approach:
Like I said, there is a lot more. I didn’t even get to the GIFs! Or the Twitter polls. Or like 30 other videos. I guess I should mention that this all performed very well and the client was very happy. Metrics were measured. People were advertised to. And I was briefed on CFB 22 BEFORE I WAS DONE WITH CFB 21. Ain’t that life.